colour in Visio cross functional flowchart


Dr Helen Newton

I would like to have different background colours in the bands in my
cross-functional flow chart. I can't find out how to do this. Grateful for

Tim Davenport [MSFT]

First, you have to select the band itself (which isn't particularly easy to
do because it has no fill to click on). The best way to do this is to click
once on the line that marks the end of the band (the right end, if it's
horizontal; the bottom end, if it's vertical), pause, and then click again.
At that point, you should have the band itself selected (it should have gray
control handles). Apply a fill color using the Fill Color tool in the
toolbar (the paint bucket) or the Fill dialog box on the Format menu.

Dr Helen Newton

Thank you very much. I had tried to select the band and this is where I got
stuck. I will try your suggestion. Never tried any of this interactive stuff
before and did not believe for a minute I would get an answer I understood.
Thanks for disabusing me!

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