column chart changes my data



Hi I have attempted to make a column chart with error bars using
6.3 0.008199
6.8 0.0151625
7.5 0.006469
as my data, BUT when i highlight and insert chart my figures (6.3,6.8,7.5)
change to 1,2, and 3. and my other figures change to 1-8
I am trying to show rate of reaction vs pH level
can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong as I dont normally have any trouble
with these charts.I am using office 2003

Jon Peltier

You should be using an XY chart for numerical value, particularly for
scientific analyses.

- Jon


I cant use a XY scatter for this info, I need 3 columns listed 6.3, 6.8 and
7.5 across bottom axis (this is the level of pH) and my 3 results on side
upright axis (this is rate of reaction results) these results are a MEAN
(average result) so I need to use the standard error bars (this part I am ok
with), I am comparing rate of reaction with 3 different pH levels but with
only 1 rate of reaction result per pH as they been averaged, PLEASE HELP as
it wont allow me to input the data i need it keeps changing the figures.

Jon Peltier

You don't care that the 6.3, 6.8, and 7.5 are not proportionately spaced
according to their actual values?

You don't want to show the standard deviation of measurements at each pH?
The standard error is meaningless if you have more than one data value
averaged at each point.

If you make an XY chart you will get actual X values against actual Y values
with no problem. A column chart does not expect numerical values for X
values, it expects text labels. Finding none, it assumes you want to plot
two numerical series, and since it thinks you have not specified category
labels, it uses the easiest thing it can, which are counting numbers (1, 2,
3, etc.). Three wrongs will not make a right, but if you want to make a
column chart with that data, put a label like "Rate" in the cell above the
column of reaction rates, and leave the cell above the pH values blank, then
select the range and make the chart.

If you change your mind and decide to use meaningful error values for your
error bars, put your standard deviations for the three means in the next
column. Double click the series, click on the Y Error Bar tab, Click the
Both icon, select the Custom Error Amount option, click in the (+) box and
select the StDev values in the worksheet, then click in the (-) box and
again select these values.

- Jon

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