Again, as you said Steve, a wayward post ...
.... however, I think he's talking about freezing the panes. In Excel,
select the cell that is immediately below and to the right of the areas that
you want to remain visible. Then select Windows => Freeze panes. Now the
headings on top and on the left will remain visible as you scroll away into
the sunset.
More so however, this can only be set from the Excel program, not from
within the edit worksheet object inside PowerPoint. So if you want to set
this in a presentation (in case the OP was not really lost), you will need
to use the route of ... select the spread sheet on the slide, right click =>
Worksheet Object =>Open =(new Excel instance)=> select the cell below and to
the right of the panes you wish to lock => Windows => Freeze panes => File
=> Close & Return to PresentationX.
On the other hand (oh good heavens, Bill), Excel spread sheets can only
display the top and left most section from within a PowerPoint show, and it
is only when they are edited within PowerPoint that he window freeze feature
would have any usefulness, which makes me thing the OP was lost rather than
incredibly innovative.
Oh, and try news:// for general
excel questions.
Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
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