column loop


Gijs Breedveld

How can I change the column charater in a loop for the following:

If iKN = 1 Then Set CellRangePMR = Worksheets("PM").Range("C6:c" & PMR + 5)
If iKN = 2 Then Set CellRangePMR = Worksheets("PM").Range("d6:d" & PMR + 5)
If iKN = 3 Then Set CellRangePMR = Worksheets("PM").Range("e6:e" & PMR + 5)
If iKN = 4 Then Set CellRangePMR = Worksheets("PM").Range("f6:f" & PMR + 5)
If iKN = 5 Then Set CellRangePMR = Worksheets("PM").Range("g6:g" & PMR + 5)
If iKN = 6 Then Set CellRangePMR = Worksheets("PM").Range("h6:h" & PMR + 5)

Best regards,


Dave Peterson

Dim CellRangePMR As Range
Dim iKN As Long
Dim PMR As Long

'testing purposes
iKN = 1
PMR = 8

Set CellRangePMR = Nothing
Select Case iKN
Case Is = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
With Worksheets("PM")
Set CellRangePMR = .Range(.Cells(6, 2 + iKN), .Cells(PMR + 5, 2 + iKN))
Set CellRangePMR = .Cells(6, 2 + iKN).Resize(PMR + 5 - 6 + 1, 1)
'or doing the arithmetic
Set CellRangePMR = .Cells(6, 2 + iKN).Resize(PMR, 1)
End With
End Select

If CellRangePMR Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "oh, oh"
MsgBox CellRangePMR.Address(0, 0)
End If

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

These statements replace the 6 If-Then statements you posted....

If iKN > 0 And iKN < 7 Then
Set CellRangePMR = Worksheets("PM").Range(Chr(66 + iKN) & _
"6:" & Chr(66 + iKNX) & CStr(PMR + 5))
End If

If the only values for iKN are 1 through 6 (for example, if they are being
generated by a loop counter), then you don't need the If-Then or End If


Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

My side comment about the iKN values being generated by a loop counter is
misleading. What I meant to say...

For any given value of iKN, the single Set statement will generate the
correct cell range to be assigned to CellRangePMR... the If-Then "housing"
is there just to make sure the value of iKN is in range. If your method of
assigning a value to iKN is such that you will always know it is in range,
then you don't have to check for that with the If-Then statement I
provided... just use the single-line Set statement and you are done.


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