Column Size



Gail – we deprecated this menu item in the preview because the % of people it was confusing was much larger than the % who were creating tables. You can still get to this feature by right-clicking on the handle (the blue little 4-way arrow that appears when you hover over a paragraph), and selecting "resize previous column". (It's easiest if you click on the handle for the next column after the one you want to resize.)

It looks like this bit of help hadn't gotten updated yet for the preview – I'll follow up.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote

Gail – we deprecated this menu item in the preview because the %
of people it was confusing was much larger than the % who were creating tables.
You can still get to this feature by right-clicking on the handle (the
blue little 4-way arrow that appears when you hover over a paragraph),
and selecting "resize previous column". (It's easiest if you click on
the handle for the next column after the one you want to resize.)
It looks like this bit of help hadn't gotten updated yet for the
preview – I'll follow up.

Hmm...apparently I stand corrected.

Gail Gurman

Gail – we deprecated this menu item in the preview because the
% of people it was confusing was much larger than the % who were
creating tables. You can still get to this feature by right-clicking
on the handle (the blue little 4-way arrow that appears when you
hover over a paragraph), and selecting "resize previous column".
(It's easiest if you click on the handle for the next column after
the one you want to resize.)

It looks like this bit of help hadn't gotten updated yet for the
preview – I'll follow up.

Maybe a solution is to add Word-like functionality to adjust the columns
in a table. The problem is that you have the functionality to create a
table by tabbing but the column sizes don't adjust themselves well, so
it's easy to end up with oddly split words.

I thought it was odd that the recommended method of adjusting columns was
to use a menu item. I was expecting it to be more Word-like.

I'm glad that at least the Column Size feature is still there to be used
by people who look for it.

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