column value translation



I'm sorry if this is already here somewhere, but I could't find any references.

I need to upload a list of people into our computer system and this list is
comprised of their names and the code for the branch where they work. The
computer system into which I need to upload this list will not recognize the
current branch ID code for those employees, but I do have a list that is
basically a comparison of the two different codes. For example branch code
800 on the list equals branch code C001 in the system. I need to get a way in
excel to convert all the branch codes that are next to the employees to the
code I have currently in our system. Is there a way in Excel to "translate"
the existing (non-system recognized) codes into the ones that they euate to
in the system? I'm sorry if this is a basic question. I only starte using
Excel a little while ago and am learning as I'm going.


Bob Phillips

Look at VLOOKUP in help, and post back if you get stuck.



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)


Thanks Tim,
I've got one spread sheet with about 80 locations listed on it. This list is
in two columns, new ID and old ID. then I have the list of employees on
another spread sheet and next to them is the old ID. I need to come up with a
new list of employees that shows them with the correct new ID next to them.

Tim M

Well it depends more on the number of codes not the number of employees as
you would not need to do a find and replace for each employee, just for each
branch code. I assume you have alot of different branch codes as well? (do
you have these codes in a common spreadsheet now? As in a column of the old
codes next to the corresponding column of new codes?)


You're right it would depend on that, and we're looking at about 20,000
different employees, so find and replace would take me forever...anything

Tim M

What method you chose probably depends on just how many of these codes you
have to do. you could use find and replace to do this.

'Edit'....'find'...type the code you need to find, then click on the
'replace' tab and tell it what to replace it with.


I tried that, but it didn't work right. I have the one spread sheet with the
old and new branch ID's and then I have the spread sheet of employees with
the old ID's. when I did the VLOOKUP anytime an employee had an old ID that
had occured on the list "up above" it came back with a value of #NA. I've got
about 20K people on this list and there will be a lot on there that share the
same branch code


I used your formula ( =VLOOKUP(C1,$A$1:$B$1300,2,FALSE) )
I found in a differet post about Find and Replace and it worked!!! Thanks

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