Columns wrapping around


Fons Ponsioen

It sounds like you have created a report and set the page
setup to columns.
If you do not wish to have the columns wrap, you should
eliminate the columns in page setup. If you have just
three lists of data and want them to continue on the next
page you should not set the report page setup as culumnar.
Hope this helps.


I had already tried that but it didn't work right. I
might not be doing it incorrectly though. In page setup
(Access 97) I changed the column number to 1 then expanded
the width of that column. It won't let me eliminate
columns altogether. Help???

Fons Ponsioen

ABrian. fter you removed the colums, set the colums to 1
and spacing to 0 and checked the same as detail. Did your
report change at all?


First, I just want to say I really appreciate your help!
The report did change when I followed your advice,
however, only one column prints per page. Let me try to
explain a little better....for example, I have 3 columns
with a date header (i.e. 3/10/99, 3/10/00, 3/10/01) with
rows 1 - 15. When I print, it would show the first column
with rows 1 - 12 then rows 13 - 15 would be in column 2
then the column 3/10/00 would be in the column 3 spot.
So, basically it is snaking the column down then across
instead of going to the second page. I want 3 columns
with the dates as headers then if the column goes over one
page I want it to push to a second page instead of snaking
around on the first. Does that make any sense?

Fons Ponsioen

How is your data source,
Do you have three variables with several rows each
and you are reporting the data in the three headings which
correspond to the variable names?
Or are the "Column names the Group header names?
I can't quite understand. Can you show me some sample


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