how do you combine column content as in number in address and street name?
P pogiman via Aug 31, 2009 #2 Do you think "Concatenate" or "&" helps? how do you combine column content as in number in address and street name? Click to expand...
Do you think "Concatenate" or "&" helps? how do you combine column content as in number in address and street name? Click to expand...
R Rick Rothstein Aug 31, 2009 #3 You can combine text (know as concatenating) from two cells (A1 and B1 for this example) like this... =A1&" "&B1 Notice concatenated a space in between the text from these two cells in order to separate them. If you leave that out... =A1&B1 the text from the two cells will butt up against each other. You can concatenate multiple cell values and text constants in any order you want.
You can combine text (know as concatenating) from two cells (A1 and B1 for this example) like this... =A1&" "&B1 Notice concatenated a space in between the text from these two cells in order to separate them. If you leave that out... =A1&B1 the text from the two cells will butt up against each other. You can concatenate multiple cell values and text constants in any order you want.
S Shane Devenshire Aug 31, 2009 #4 Hi, =A1&", "&B1 This would concatenate the contents of A1 and B1 in a new cell with a comma and a space between them. There are few if any reasons to use the CONCATENATION function instead of &.
Hi, =A1&", "&B1 This would concatenate the contents of A1 and B1 in a new cell with a comma and a space between them. There are few if any reasons to use the CONCATENATION function instead of &.