I have just recently begun using OWC11 for creating charts, and thing
are great for most of my charts (perusing this forum has helped
thanks!). However, I seem to be running into a limitation wit
combination charts. I want to plot a chart with 4 series a
chChartTypeColumnStacked, and then also have two series a
chChartTypeLineMarkers. But I never seem to be able to get more than
series to display for the second type of chart in the combo chart. I'v
tried lots of combinations of numbers of series and methods o
declaring chart types, but I keep running into this same barrier.
The snippet below shows the pertinent part of my VBScript in an as
page. The four arrays Values(0), Values(1), Values(2), and Values (3
are plotted nicely in stacked columns. I want to add the data in th
arrays targetValues and classValues as markers, but only the las
series added gets plotted (classValues in this example).
Is this a real limitation, or is there some way around?
Brian Reid
Set myChartSpace = CreateObject("OWC11.Chartspace")
with myChartSpace.Charts(0)
.Type = myChartSpace.Constants.chChartTypeColumnStacked
.SeriesCollection(0).Caption = "Observed"
.SeriesCollection(0).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimValues
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, Values(0)
.SeriesCollection(0).Interior.Color = RGB(192,192,96)
.SeriesCollection(1).Caption = "Assisted Someone Else"
.SeriesCollection(1).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimValues
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, Values(1)
.SeriesCollection(1).Interior.Color = RGB(128,128,255)
.SeriesCollection(2).Caption = "Perf. w/ Assist. & Supervis."
.SeriesCollection(2).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimValues
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, Values(2)
.SeriesCollection(2).Interior.Color = RGB(255,128,128)
.SeriesCollection(3).Caption = "Performed by Myself"
.SeriesCollection(3).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimValues
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, Values(3)
.SeriesCollection(3).Interior.Color = RGB(128,255,128)
.SeriesCollection(4).Caption = "Target"
.SeriesCollection(4).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimValues
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, targetValues
.SeriesCollection(4).Line.Color = -2
.SeriesCollection(4).Interior.Color = "yellow"
.SeriesCollection(5).Caption = "Average"
.SeriesCollection(5).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimValues
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, classValues
.SeriesCollection(5).Line.Color = -2
.SeriesCollection(5).Interior.Color = RGB(0,0,0)
.SeriesCollection(0).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimCategories
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, Categories
End wit
I have just recently begun using OWC11 for creating charts, and thing
are great for most of my charts (perusing this forum has helped
thanks!). However, I seem to be running into a limitation wit
combination charts. I want to plot a chart with 4 series a
chChartTypeColumnStacked, and then also have two series a
chChartTypeLineMarkers. But I never seem to be able to get more than
series to display for the second type of chart in the combo chart. I'v
tried lots of combinations of numbers of series and methods o
declaring chart types, but I keep running into this same barrier.
The snippet below shows the pertinent part of my VBScript in an as
page. The four arrays Values(0), Values(1), Values(2), and Values (3
are plotted nicely in stacked columns. I want to add the data in th
arrays targetValues and classValues as markers, but only the las
series added gets plotted (classValues in this example).
Is this a real limitation, or is there some way around?
Brian Reid
Set myChartSpace = CreateObject("OWC11.Chartspace")
with myChartSpace.Charts(0)
.Type = myChartSpace.Constants.chChartTypeColumnStacked
.SeriesCollection(0).Caption = "Observed"
.SeriesCollection(0).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimValues
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, Values(0)
.SeriesCollection(0).Interior.Color = RGB(192,192,96)
.SeriesCollection(1).Caption = "Assisted Someone Else"
.SeriesCollection(1).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimValues
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, Values(1)
.SeriesCollection(1).Interior.Color = RGB(128,128,255)
.SeriesCollection(2).Caption = "Perf. w/ Assist. & Supervis."
.SeriesCollection(2).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimValues
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, Values(2)
.SeriesCollection(2).Interior.Color = RGB(255,128,128)
.SeriesCollection(3).Caption = "Performed by Myself"
.SeriesCollection(3).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimValues
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, Values(3)
.SeriesCollection(3).Interior.Color = RGB(128,255,128)
.SeriesCollection(4).Caption = "Target"
.SeriesCollection(4).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimValues
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, targetValues
.SeriesCollection(4).Line.Color = -2
.SeriesCollection(4).Interior.Color = "yellow"
.SeriesCollection(5).Caption = "Average"
.SeriesCollection(5).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimValues
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, classValues
.SeriesCollection(5).Line.Color = -2
.SeriesCollection(5).Interior.Color = RGB(0,0,0)
.SeriesCollection(0).SetData myChartSpace.Constants.chDimCategories
myChartSpace.Constants.chDataLiteral, Categories
End wit