Combination of Invoices from Paid Amount



Please help me to sort out this. I have big list of InvoiceNo, InvDate,
Amount in CustDue Table, my customers are paying against the invoices, I
want to find out bunch of invoice(s) for paid amount. If more possibilities
then based on InvDate atleast 3 sets. If I received 40 from following due
invoices then which invoices i will mark as paid?
InvDate InvoiceNo Amount
01-Jan 1001 10.500
01-Jan 1005 4.500
01-Jan 1050 10.000
05-Feb 1100 15.000
10-Feb 1250 15.000
15-Feb 1500 50.000
18-Feb 1501 15.000
20-Feb 1510 75.000
25-Feb 1518 22.500
03-Mar 1520 17.500
05-Mar 1525 90.000

Allen Browne

Wahab, this is a big question. I hope you receive several replies suggesting
different possibilities.

I'm not an accountant, but from a database point of view, there is no direct
relationship between invoices charged and payments received. Consider cases
such as:
- one invoice is paid off over time (1 invoice => many receipts)
- one receipt covers multiple invoices (1 receipt => many invoices)
- prepayment (receipt issued, but there is no invoice yet.)

The first 2 suggest a many-to-many relation, but the 3rd illustrates a case
where there is no relation at all. You might therefore keep your
transactions separate, and the amount owed is simply the sum of all invoices
for a client, less the sum of all their receipts.

In a double-entry accounting system, it gets more complex as you close off
financial periods and start again with an opening balance, designing so that
no entries in a closed-off period can be altered.

Chris O''''Neill

How you design this depends on a number of factors, such as the accounting
policies of your company and/or instructions received from the payee. For
instance, your company may have a policy that oldest outstanding invoices are
paid off first, unless otherwise instructed by the payor. The payor may have
specified which invoices the payment apply to. And, as Allen said, the payee
may even instruct that the payment is for future amounts owing.

So, really, the answer to your question is another question... "What are
the policies of your company?"

Sorry I can't be more helpful...

Regards, Chris

Chris O''''Neill

Allen Browne said:
I'm not an accountant, but...

In a double-entry accounting system, it gets more complex as you close off
financial periods and start again with an opening balance, designing so that
no entries in a closed-off period can be altered.

Time for your accounting lesson, Allen. (Grin!)

Just FYI, balance sheet accounts (including accounts receivables) are
"perpetual" accounts that don't "close" at the end of a fiscal period. The
balance at any given time is the balance, whether or not the period is open
or closed. The "ending balance" for one fiscal period is always the "opening
balance" for the next period.

On the other hand, revenue and expense accounts "close" at the end of a
period. The "opening balance" for any period is always zero. On August
31st, I may have "X" dollars in revenues for the August accounting period,
but on September 1st my "balance" of revenues for September starts at zero
again. Of course, one doesn't actually "close" each month (i.e. zero out the
revenue and expense accounts and transfer the net balance to equity). The
actual physical "closing" of revenue and expense accounts only occurs at the
end of a fiscal year.

You are correct in stating that it's not acceptable to alter entries in a
closed-off accounting period. In fact, it's generally not acceptable to
alter *any* transaction. Rather, one should record an "adjusting entry" to
correct an accounting error or reverse a transaction that should never have
been recorded. "Adjusting entries" are "usually" recorded in the current
fiscal period with an appropriate notation documenting which fiscal period
(and transaction) the adjustment applies to.

However, there is *one* exception to the above principle... If the entry
requiring adjustment is "significant" such that failing to correct it in the
same fiscal period misrepresents the financial status of the accounting
entity at that time, then it *is* appropriate to apply a "prior period
adjustment" in a closed fiscal period. Of course, doing so means that the
financial statements for that period (and possibly all other periods up to
the present time) must be "restated" in order that the financial statements
are accurate.

It should be noted that "prior period adjustments" and restatement of the
financial statements are rarely required. And, when this does happen, the
accountant in charge of the financial accounts is usually in pretty hot water
for not catching a significant error before the books were closed.

Anyway, that's your accounting lesson for the day. (Another GRIN!) Now, I
have a question for you...

Assuming that the company's policy is that oldest outstanding balances get
paid off first, irrespective of the wishes of the payor, how would one design
that from a database point of view? My thinking is that you'd merely need a
Yes/No field called "Paid" and a "BalanceDue" field in the A/R table. When
payments are received, an algorithm applies the payment amount starting with
the oldest "BalanceDue" amounts and toggles the "Paid" flag if an invoice is
paid off. This continues until the amount of the payment is exhausted. If
the last "BalanceDue" is not totally paid off, the "Paid" flag is left at
"False" and the "BalanceDue" is reduced to the outstanding amount owing.

Thoughts? Comments?

Thanks for helping to educate me regarding database/systems design!

Regards, Chris

Allen Browne

Thanks for your comments, from an accountant's point of view, Chris.

I don't feel qualified to suggest the best way to model data structures
based on good accounting principles, as I don't have that accounting

My (ininformed) suggestion would be a many-to-many relation between invoices
and receipts. This junction table would then apply amounts from the receipt
against particular invoices. But as I pointed out earlier, that still falls
down when you need to receipt something that has not yet been invoiced

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Chris O''''Neill said:
Allen Browne said:
I'm not an accountant, but...
Time for your accounting lesson, Allen. (Grin!) [snip]

Anyway, that's your accounting lesson for the day. (Another GRIN!) Now,
have a question for you...

Assuming that the company's policy is that oldest outstanding balances get
paid off first, irrespective of the wishes of the payor, how would one
that from a database point of view? My thinking is that you'd merely need
Yes/No field called "Paid" and a "BalanceDue" field in the A/R table.
payments are received, an algorithm applies the payment amount starting
the oldest "BalanceDue" amounts and toggles the "Paid" flag if an invoice
paid off. This continues until the amount of the payment is exhausted.
the last "BalanceDue" is not totally paid off, the "Paid" flag is left at
"False" and the "BalanceDue" is reduced to the outstanding amount owing.

Thoughts? Comments?

Thanks for helping to educate me regarding database/systems design!

Regards, Chris