combination of Keys like CTRL + W



Hi All
this is a function FSendKeys in the above URL From MVP
how can i send (tab) (Enter) (CTRL) (ALT) or combination of Keys like CTRL +
A any think
using this function
How can I call this function from command button
in access 2003
call fSendKeys ((((i want here CTLR + W))))
' comments here:
'the code to close the current form
end sub
how can i do that

Dirk Goldgar

a said:
Hi All
this is a function FSendKeys in the above URL From MVP
how can i send (tab) (Enter) (CTRL) (ALT) or combination of Keys like CTRL
+ A any think
using this function
How can I call this function from command button
in access 2003
call fSendKeys ((((i want here CTLR + W))))
' comments here:
'the code to close the current form
end sub
how can i do that

I believe it's the same as the VBA SendKeys statement, so you should be able
to find the information you want in the help topic for SendKeys. You would
send Ctrl+W like this:

fSendKeys "^W"

However, there is seldom any need to send keystrokes in Access, and I
certainly would not use it to close a form -- not when I can use

DoCmd.Close acForm, Screen.ActiveForm.Name

Tom van Stiphout

SendKeys can do this too. Read the help file.
fSendKeys relies on SendKeys, so the same help file page applies.

Microsoft Access MVP

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