Combine 2 Series into a Blend


Jim E

Hi, I have what seems like a trivial problem that is giving me
countless difficulties. Here is my situation: I have 2 sets of XY
data which each have different X values. I would like to create a 3rd
set of data that is a combination of the 2 sets of data.

These could be represented as X1Y1, X2Y2, & X3Y3.

To explain better, the first two sets of data, when plotted, look like
your typical bell curves. The 3rd curve that I'm trying to produce
should be a blend that I can assign a weight to (i.e. 40% of the 1st
set, and 60% of the 2nd set). I'm assuming additive properties
between the 2 sets of original data. Thus, at a given X,

y3 = .4*Y1(X) + .6*Y2(X)

The main difficulty i have lies in the differing X arrays that I begin
with. Is there a way that i can both create my X3, and then a Y3 from
the inital two sets of data using built-in Excel functions? Any
help/suggestions are GREATLY appreciated.


Jon Peltier

Jim -

Can you get some kind of curve fit relationships between each X and Y
set? Can you fit them to some kind of normal distribution? If so, you
can calculate what Y1 and Y2 are for a given X.

- Jon

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