Our company has two databases, one for international customers and one
for US customers. These two table contain the same fields but
seperate data (see below). Is there any way I can creat a query to
show me all the records? Is this possible
Table 1 US Customers
CustomerName SalesRep StartDate
AAA111 A 01/01/08
BBB222 B 05/01/07
CCC333 C 01/01/07
Table 2 International Customers
CustomerName SalesRep StartDate
DDD444 D 01/11/08
EEE555 E 07/01/07
GGG777 G 11/01/07
CustomerName SalesRep StartDate
AAA111 A 01/01/08
BBB222 B 05/01/07
CCC333 C 01/01/07
DDD444 D 01/11/08
EEE555 E 07/01/07
GGG777 G 11/01/07
for US customers. These two table contain the same fields but
seperate data (see below). Is there any way I can creat a query to
show me all the records? Is this possible
Table 1 US Customers
CustomerName SalesRep StartDate
AAA111 A 01/01/08
BBB222 B 05/01/07
CCC333 C 01/01/07
Table 2 International Customers
CustomerName SalesRep StartDate
DDD444 D 01/11/08
EEE555 E 07/01/07
GGG777 G 11/01/07
CustomerName SalesRep StartDate
AAA111 A 01/01/08
BBB222 B 05/01/07
CCC333 C 01/01/07
DDD444 D 01/11/08
EEE555 E 07/01/07
GGG777 G 11/01/07