Combine Database for Customer orders and Inventory



Is there a Template combining Customer orders sush as Nothewind and
Inventory such as Inventory management database. can you please help My
Name is Gadi Levy
Email: (e-mail address removed), (e-mail address removed)

Larry Linson

gad said:
Is there a Template combining Customer orders sush as Nothewind and
Inventory such as Inventory management database. can you please help My

I don't think there is a "template" unless it is a new one. Microsoft has
created / is creating a good many new templates -- many of those will, I
believe, require Access 2007. There's no business model that makes it
worthwhile for anyone but Microsoft to publish templates; for those who
volunteer their help, it is just as helpful, and a lot simpler, for them to
just create a sample database and post it.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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