combine/merge 2 worksheet (tabs) into 1 work sheet



Hi, after reading countless forum discussions, i am still very confused for
something that should be fairly simple!

i have a workbook file with several work sheets (tab) that have data
comparing two year revenue income. And now we need to compare them side by
side vertically. I tried consolidation but it doesn't work. VB is too hard.
I can't imagine doing cut and paste for 40 tabs.

worksheet (tab1) shows year, number and ratio
2010 $8,782 811%
2009 $964

worksheet (tab2) shows
2010 $3,425 -33%
2008 $5,112

what i would like to see is
2010 $8,782 811%
2009 $964
2010 $3,425 -33%
2008 $5,112

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

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