Combine Results from 2 Queries



I have two queries based on seperate tables that result the following info:
Query #1 - PartNo; PONumber
Query #2 - PartNoRec; PONo

I want to combine these results into one listing of 'PartNo' and 'PONo', but
I can't get it to work. I either get multiple or missing entries. I would
like it to include all records from both queries, but no duplicates.

Basically, I have a 'Parts On Order' table and a 'Parts sent for
Refinishing' table and I want to have a report that shows all of the open
items together... Is there a better way to go about this?

Thanks in advance for any help!


Michel Walsh


SELECT PartNo, PONumber FROM query1
SELECT PartNoRec, PONo FROM query

should do. UNION, by default, when not using ALL (as in UNION ALL )
removes duplicated rows

Hoping it may help
Vanderghast, Access MVP


Works great! I'm not very familiar with the SQL stuff, so that would have
taken me forever to figure out...

Thank you so much.


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