Combine tables, removes duplicate, keeping the link with a fourth table


Guy Verville


I have received a Music score database which contains, among others, a
table that has three separate fields: ComposersID, ArrangementID,

These three fields point to three separate tables: Composers,
Arrangement, Lyrics.

However, these three tables contain also duplicates between them (e.g.
Bach can have arranged, or wrote also the lyrics). So, my task is to
unite the three tables of artists names into just one. BUT, the links in
the first table (MusicScore) should remain intact!

For example, one record has this: ComposerID 1 = Bach, ArrangementID 34
= Bach, LyricsID 22 = Bach (remember, three separate tables here)

In the updated MusicScore table, all these fields should point to a new
Artists table (hence, an imaginary ID 25 for Bach).

I'm a little lost...


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