Coastal said:
I spend a lot of time working with property data from different counties.
1. There are usually multiple sales of the same property (same parcel ID)
that I want to combine.
2. The MLS has additional info for the same address but does not contain the
parcel ID. I want to combine the info from the MLS to the info from the
property appraiser's office. Both sets of data have the following similarity:
a. the same site address
b. similar sale date (sometimes listed 3-7 days different)
c. similar sale amount (sometimes a few dollars to a few thousand off)
I update this info monthly and use it to make charts and comparisons. How
can I make it easier on myself by using Access?
I do something similar with respect to matching my personal
check-register records with my bank's statement records, which I store
in separate Tables. I display, in Query Datasheet View, the unmatched
items from both Tables, sorted similarly. Sometimes I sort by date,
sometimes by ascending amount of money, sometimes by descending amount
of money; I could sort by payee's name, but usually I don't do that. I
may have 50 or 60 unmatched items when I begin.
The payees' names almost never match exactly. The amount of money
usually matches, but not always (finding these is a major purpose of
balancing the checkbook). The date almost never matches, as it usually
takes 2-4 days for an item to clear the bank.
I make the bank's dataset be read only ("Snapshot" Query), but I allow
editing of my check-register dataset.
With both datasheets displayed, I select what I think are matching
records, one in each datasheet. I then run a Macro that displays a Form
showing in detail the contents of each record, with (almost) matching
fields displayed side by side. Command buttons on my Form allow me
either to accept the tentative match or to cancel the matching request.
If I accept the match, the program checks to be sure that the date
cleared is no earlier than the date issued, and that the amounts of
money are equal. If not, it displays a suitable message and does not
mark the records as matched, allowing me to edit the check-register
record. If the request is valid, the program sets a field in one of the
Tables identifying the matching record in the other Table. It then
refreshes both datasheets, showing only the records that remain unmatched.
After a while, only truly unmatched records remain, reflecting either
recent items that I have written that have not yet cleared the bank, or
items such as interest payments or service charges that the bank has
applied that I had not listed in my check register.
Although the process may sound a bit tedious as I have described it
here, most of the work that I did was in writing the code. Actually
using it is pretty easy, and it takes only a few minutes to link dozens
of not-too-closely matching records, a process which once was truly
tedious and time consuming (before I wrote the Access system).
Your MLS and appraser's lists can probably be compared and linked using
a system similar to mine. You might want to use slightly different
rules, perhaps, but the principle is similar. At the least, I've found
that minimizing all the windows in the database except for the two
datasheets gives me a good view of the records to be matched, and then
using a large Form that displays the fields side by side for a tentative
match lets me look at the matching records in detail to be sure I'm
correct, and you might want to do that, too.
If you want further details about how I implemented this, I'll be happy
to supply them, but I'm afraid my database wouldn't be directly usable
for what you're doing (it's oriented toward financial accounts). It's
also not suitable for public use, as I'd need to include a large Help
file, which I've never written.
-- Vincent Johns <
[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.