Combining 2 DCounts



How can I combine these to DCounts into one? Is there an or that I can add?

Me.TxtCount = DCount("[MenuID]", "MenuDetails", _
"MenuDetails.TerminalID = " & Forms!Patrons!TxtPatTermID & _
" AND MenuDetails.StartDay = Forms!Patrons!TxtDay " & _
" AND MenuDetails.StartTime <= #" & Time() & "#" & _
" AND MenuDetails.EndTime >= #" & Time() & "#" & _
" AND MenuDetails.Active = -1 " & "")

Me.TxtCount = DCount("[MenuID]", "MenuDetails", _
"MenuDetails.TerminalID = " & Forms!Patrons!TxtPatTermID & _
" AND MenuDetails.StartDay = Forms!Patrons!TxtDay-1 " & _
" AND MenuDetails.StartTime >= #" & Time() & "#" & _
" AND MenuDetails.EndTime >= #" & Time() & "#" & _
" AND MenuDetails.Active = -1 " & _
" AND MenuDetails.AfterMidnite = -1 " & "")

The only difference is the StartTime and the addition of the last line
on the second one. Any help appreciated.

Steve Schapel


Is StartDay a date? If so, you should have it properly delimited. I
will assume that it is. Also I could not see the purpose of the & "" at
the end so ignore that. So, off the top of my head, something like this?...

Me.TxtCount = DCount("*", "MenuDetails", _
"MenuDetails.TerminalID = " & Forms!Patrons!TxtPatTermID & _
" AND MenuDetails.EndTime >= #" & Time & "#" & _
" AND MenuDetails.Active = -1" & _
" AND ((MenuDetails.StartDay = #" & Forms!Patrons!TxtDay & "#" & _
" AND MenuDetails.StartTime <= #" & Time & "#)" & _
" OR (MenuDetails.StartDay = #" & Forms!Patrons!TxtDay - 1 & "#" & _
" AND MenuDetails.StartTime >= #" & Time & "#" & _
" AND MenuDetails.AfterMidnite = -1))")


Steve said:

Is StartDay a date? If so, you should have it properly delimited. I
will assume that it is. Also I could not see the purpose of the & "" at
the end so ignore that. So, off the top of my head, something like

Me.TxtCount = DCount("*", "MenuDetails", _
"MenuDetails.TerminalID = " & Forms!Patrons!TxtPatTermID & _
" AND MenuDetails.EndTime >= #" & Time & "#" & _
" AND MenuDetails.Active = -1" & _
" AND ((MenuDetails.StartDay = #" & Forms!Patrons!TxtDay & "#" & _
" AND MenuDetails.StartTime <= #" & Time & "#)" & _
" OR (MenuDetails.StartDay = #" & Forms!Patrons!TxtDay - 1 & "#" & _
" AND MenuDetails.StartTime >= #" & Time & "#" & _
" AND MenuDetails.AfterMidnite = -1))")
Great, Thank you Steve, Start Day is a Number, End Time is a time. I
never knew you could put 2 together like that. I was just runnig them

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