Combining data from the reporting database and SharePoint custom l


Alex Angas


I need to combine data from the reporting database with data from custom
lists in project workspaces. This need to be displayed within a single
report. How should this be done? Options I've thought of:

1. Extend the reporting database with the custom list data (if this is
possible). Use Reporting Services to display the output.

2. Query the reporting database and the SharePoint workspaces and combine
results in memory. Write custom code to display the output.

Any other ideas? I have the skills to develop this but am very open to
purchasing a product if it solves the problem.

Thanks for any help and regards,

Alex Angas.

Gary Chefetz


Firstly, your question is a development question and you'll get a much more
targeted response on the developer forum. Consider reposting over there. As
a business analyst, of course, I'd want to know what problem you're trying
to solve before I gave you architectural advice. There are many ways to get
from point A to point B using Project Server as a development platform, so
make sure you weigh all those choices carefully.

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