Combining Data...



Please help - I have posted this before but cannot get a response or help
anywhere from the web. I will try to explain clearly this time what it is I
am after.

I have a table called FollowUP which is related to a table called
PatientInfo by RecordID.
In the followup table I have several records which have several fields.
i.e. I can have 5 records for RecordID 1 with different data in different
In the main table - PatientInfo, This RecordID 1 shows other information and
the followup table shows as a subform.

We are getting rid of this followup table, but want to combine just 1 field
of it into the relevant RecordId.
So, I have created a new memo field called FollowupComments in the main
table which I wish to have all the data from all the followupcomments field
from the followup table imported by RecordID.

Therefore...If there are 5 records for RecordID1 in the followup table (in
the followupcommentsfield), I want to append all the 5 records but from the
followupcommentsfield only, into this new field for RecordID1.

these are the fields

RecordID FollowUPItem
1 Provide clinical description of the event
1 Most recent lab reports (with dates and times)
1 Requested AE CRF
1 Lab reports with dates and times provided in DS

As you can see, the above record 1 is all one record but I want the 4 text
fields combined into the new field.

I hope this makes sense to someone and that you are able to help me out.

Many thanks

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