Combining Different Spreadsheets



I'm trying to combine several reports into one. They all have lists o
names with statistics associated with them. The problem is that the
don't all have the same names. Here's an example of what I mean:

List 1 - study 1
John 1.2
Mary 4.0
Ed 1.5
Tom 5.5

List 2 - study 2
Edna 4.5
John 2.5
Tom 5.5
Alicia 2.2

Goal......Study 1.................Study2
Alicia .................................2.2
John .....1.2 ......................2.5
Edna ................................4.5
Tom ......5.5......................5.5

So these list 1 and 2 both have some of the same names but also som
different names. How do I combine them to make the goal list with th
different results side by side? It seems like there should be some wa
to sort them against a master list of names so that there are blan
spaces for for people not on the individual lists


Try using the VLOOKUP command. You have a master list, will all the
names on it. Then use the VLOOKUP command to compare the name on the
master list againts the name/results on Lists 1 & 2. Below is an
example, bringing in the results from column 2 of sheet 2 where the
name matches cell A2 on sheet 1.


Ken Wright

Rearranging your data slightly - Using Data / Pivot Table & Chart Report :-

Study 1 - John 1.2
Study 1 - Mary 4.0
Study 1 - Ed 1.5
Study 1 - Tom 5.5
Study 2 - Edna 4.5
Study 2 - John 2.5
Study 2 - Tom 5.5
Study 2 - Alicia 2.2

Drag Name into Row fields, Study into Column fields and Score into Data
field and you will get exactly what you want.

Intro to Pivot tables

Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :)

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