Michel Bintener
Hi there.
While I'm fairly confident with Word and Entourage, I don't know much about
Excel, or at least not enough to solve the problem I've just been confronted
with. Here's the situation: I have an Excel file with a series of sheets,
each sheet containing my students' grades for one particular subject. What
I'd now like to know is whether it is possible to have Excel create a new
sheet, or to have a new view, which lists all the grades of a particular
student. Say for instance that student XY has taken French and English, so
he will figure on both sheets. Is it possible to create some kind of list
which automatically gets student XY's grades from all the different sheets
there are? And if yes, how can it be done? I'm using Excel 2004, all updates
applied, and Excel's Help function is not really helpful since I don't know
how to call the function I'm looking for.
Thank you in advance for your help!
While I'm fairly confident with Word and Entourage, I don't know much about
Excel, or at least not enough to solve the problem I've just been confronted
with. Here's the situation: I have an Excel file with a series of sheets,
each sheet containing my students' grades for one particular subject. What
I'd now like to know is whether it is possible to have Excel create a new
sheet, or to have a new view, which lists all the grades of a particular
student. Say for instance that student XY has taken French and English, so
he will figure on both sheets. Is it possible to create some kind of list
which automatically gets student XY's grades from all the different sheets
there are? And if yes, how can it be done? I'm using Excel 2004, all updates
applied, and Excel's Help function is not really helpful since I don't know
how to call the function I'm looking for.
Thank you in advance for your help!