Combining Like Tables in a Query


Annette FA

I have several tables that are formatted the same. Each table has the fields,
Work Center, Cost Center, Week Beginning, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. I have seperate tables for each work
center supervisor to use to input tem labor can I combine all of
these tables to create one query or report that will show me each work
centers hours by day?


You can use a union query to combine all this tables.
Select * From Table1 Union
Select * From Table2 Union
Select * From Table3 Union
Select * From Table4

Then you can create a new query or report based on the above query, and
create the creiteria on it.

Douglas J Steele

Ofer's shown you how to use a UNION query to combine the tables.

My question is why do you have separate tables?

You should have a single table, with an additional field to indicate which

Annette FA

Because the supervisors will be responsible for their own data and by keeping
each table seperate, there is less room for errors.

Douglas J Steele

But you're making life much more difficult than it need be (and you're
violating database design principles)!

Still, it's your database, and if you're satisfied with how it works, so be

Annette FA

If it were up to me it would all be in one table....but this is how I was
"supposed" to design it.

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