Combining/Merging Rows



I have a spreadsheet with 9500 rows of data.

The rows look like this:
305-129, Bill, Smith, $50
305-129, Bill, Smith, $250
305-129, Bill, Smith, $100
005-277, Mary, Maze, $100
005-277, Mary, Maze, $500

I need the rows to look like this:
305-129, Bill, Smith, $50, $250, $100
005-277, Mary, Maze, $100, $500

There are many more columns, but thats the idea. I need to merge all the
rows so that each person with their unique ID number has the entire string of
information in one row. Right now for every donation, the person has a row,
so one person with 10 donations has 10 lines. I need all 10 donations in the
same row.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


As-is, you could easily apply autofilter for queries, and more importantly,
very quickly create a pivot table on your source table to drive out a useful
summary table to count the no. of donations and total amount donated per
unique listing

Here's some easy steps to create a pivot table (PT)
based on your source table

Assume source data as posted in cols A to D,
with top row col headers:

Ref# Nam1 Nam2 Amt
305-129 Bill Smith $50
305-129 Bill Smith $250
305-129 Bill Smith $100
005-277 Mary Maze $100
005-277 Mary Maze $500

Select any cell within the table
Click Data > Pivot table
Click Next > Next

In step 3 of the wiz. click Layout
Drag n drop Ref#, Nam1, Nam2 within the ROW area,
each below the other
Then double click (in turn) on each of the 3 fields,
set subtotals to "None" > ok

Drag n drop Amt twice within the DATA area
Double click on the 1st field,
change it to summarize by Count > ok.
Leave the 2nd as it is, to provide the sum

Click OK > Finish.

Hop over to the PT sheet (just to the left of your source data sheet)
Drag n drop "Data" over Total

The resulting table will give you a clear summary table with
a. a uniques row listing by Ref#, Nam1 and Nam2
b. corresponding counts (ie no. of donations) and sums of the amounts (total
donations) next to each unique listing

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