Combining multiple Excel files into one html?



I am using Office 2003 on Windows XP.

Take one Excel file that has been converted (saved as) an HTML document from
one user. Take another one from another user, and yet a third one.

I need to combine these into one single HTML document programmatically from
VBA. Is this possible? I've been looking at previous posts and I don't see
anything like this...

For the most part the files just contain text and numbers or formulas, but
rarely could include a chart or other graphic.

If it is possible, could some one please post example code?

If it is NOT possible, could someone please enlighten me?
Thanks much in advance.

Tom Ogilvy

Turn on the macro recorder

open each in excel.

Bring the data from workbooks 2 and 3 into workbook 1 using copy and paste.

Save as HTML

Turn off the macro recorder.

Now modify the code to make it a little more dynamic.


Thanks Tom.

The files will be coming to me from different sources already saved in HTML
format. Although I could have the users send me the Excel files instead, each
one page document contains a different number of columns and column widths
making combining them in Excel difficult at best.

It could be done I suppose by copying a picture of each, but then I'm faced
with combining and aligning the graphics, etc. Ultimately it all needs to be
converted to HTML and I just thought if there were a way to just combine them
(stack them one above the other in the right order) using VBA it might
shortcut the process. Any other ideas or suggestions?

Tom Ogilvy

All the problems you listed would be inherent in stacking them. Just use
the DOS copy command to append them.


Thanks again Tom, I was delving into an area in which I had no experience so
I didn't know if it would be easier or not. But now you've brought up a new

I've used the DOS command to copy files, but how can it be used to append?
Sorry, but I need some help on this one too...


Tom, I get a compile error using that string, I assumed it was delivered in
the same way as "FileCopy", but obviously not.

How do I execute that line of code in VBA?

Dave Peterson

One way:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim myFileNames As String
Dim myFolder As String

myFolder = "c:\my documents\excel\test\"

myFileNames = "*.htm"

Shell Environ("comspec") & " /k copy /b " _
& Chr(34) & myFolder & myFileNames & Chr(34) & " " _
& Chr(34) & myFolder & "AllTemp.txt" & Chr(34), _

'wait 2 seconds for copy to finish
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)

On Error Resume Next
Kill myFolder & "all.htm"
On Error GoTo 0

Name myFolder & "alltemp.txt" As myFolder & "all.htm"

End Sub

Change the /k to /c to dismiss that DOS window when it's done.

It copies all the *.htm files in the folder to a new file named all.htm.
Actually, it copies all of them into a file called alltemp.txt, then renames
that file to all.htm.

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