Combining On Open Macros



Hello All,

I have two macros: 1 to Protect All Sheets and 1 to Hide
sheets based on the month name. (Codes are below)

At the moment the Hide macro runs when the file opens but
the Protection one is run by click a macro button.

Basically I would like to combine the two so that when a
user opens a file it is protected and the hide macro runs.

Any help will be greatfully appreciated!


Sub ProtectAllSheets()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim n As Single
For n = 1 To Sheets.Count
Sheets(n).Protect Password:="justme"
Next n
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub Workbook_Open()

Dim MyMonth As Integer
MyMonth = Month(Now())

Select Case MyMonth

Case 1 'If month number is 1 (Jan)
Sheets("Feb").Visible = False
Sheets("Mar").Visible = False
Case 2 'If Month number is 2 (Feb)
Sheets("Jan").Visible = False
Sheets("March").Visible = False
Case 3 'If Month number is 3 (Mar)
Sheets("Jan").Visible = False
Sheets("Mar").Visible = True
Sheets("Feb").Visible = False
End Select
End Sub

Vasant Nanavati

Add the following line to the end of your Workbook_Open macro:

Call ProtectAllSheets

or just:


(I prefer to use the Call terminology because it makes it clear that you are
calling another macro, but it is not required.)


-----Original Message-----
Add the following line to the end of your Workbook_Open macro:

Call ProtectAllSheets

or just:


(I prefer to use the Call terminology because it makes it clear that you are
calling another macro, but it is not required.)




Dana DeLouis

Would any ideas here help?

Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim MyMonth As Long
MyMonth = Month(Now())

Sheets("Jan").Visible = MyMonth = 1
Sheets("Feb").Visible = MyMonth = 2
Sheets("Mar").Visible = MyMonth = 3
End Sub


Bob Phillips


On 1st Feb, when first opened, Jan will be visible, Feb will not. As soon as
it executes the line

Sheets("Jan").Visible = MyMonth = 1

it will fail as it is trying to hide the last visible sheet. You probably
only need

Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim iThisMonth As Long
Dim iLastMonth As Long
Dim sThisMonth As String
Dim sLastMonth As String

iThisMonth = Month(Date)
iLastMonth = iThisMonth - 1
If iLastMonth = 0 Then iLastMonth = 12

sThisMonth = Format(DateValue(Year(Date) & "-" & iThisMonth & "-01"),
Worksheets(sThisMonth).Visible = True

sLastMonth = Format(DateValue(Year(Date) & "-" & iLastMonth & "-01"),
Worksheets(sLastMonth).Visible = False

End Sub

Of course assuming that the workbook is properly setup manually.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Dana DeLouis

Thanks Bob! Didn't think about that. I like your code. How about this
small idea?
iLastMonth = ((MyMonth + 10) Mod 12) + 1

If the op has only 3 sheets, and I want to try to salvage my code, perhaps
this small change then.
Select Case MyMonth
Case 1 To 3
Sheets("Jan").Visible = True ' Visible for now
Sheets("Feb").Visible = MyMonth = 2
Sheets("Mar").Visible = MyMonth = 3
Sheets("Jan").Visible = MyMonth = 1 ' Do Jan
Case Else
' Not sure...
End Select

Again, just throwing out some general ideas.

Bob Phillips

Hi Dana,

Yeah, that is good, a well-honed type of technique from you :). I am an
old-fashioned developer, If ... Then ... Else ... End If is my normal
structure, whereas I think that you very much prefer shortcuts, but I admit
to preferring this. I also like using a condition to set a property (like
your Sheets("Feb").Visible = MyMonth = 2), use it a lot myself.

I think the OP has twelve sheets. The bit you may not be aware of is a
previous post where she mentioned this, and Jim Thomlinson gave her a
solution (which is not what she is using here!).



Dana DeLouis

Thanks Bob. Didn't see that other thread. Just to throw out another
general idea with 12 sheets, and a later version of Excel ( for "MonthName"

Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim MyMonth As Long
Dim Mth As Long

MyMonth = Month(Now())

'Keep Jan visible for now
'Note: MonthName(1, True) -> "Jan"
Sheets(MonthName(1, True)).Visible = True
For Mth = 2 To 12
Sheets(MonthName(Mth, True)).Visible = (MyMonth = Mth)
Next Mth
'Now do Jan
Sheets(MonthName(1, True)).Visible = (MyMonth = 1)
End Sub

Tushar Mehta

Why not play safe? Defensively written code:

Sub testIt2()
Dim ThisMth As String, aWS As Worksheet
ThisMth = Format(Now(), "mmm")
With ActiveWorkbook
.Worksheets(ThisMth).Visible = True
For Each aWS In .Worksheets
aWS.Visible = aWS.Name = ThisMth
Next aWS
End With
End Sub


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
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