John MilburySteen
I have a table used in scheduling classes, set up like this:
ClassID CLass Day 1 Time1 Day2 Time2
34566 Biology MTRF 11:30
34567 Chemistry MT 11:30 RF 11:15
In a query, how do I "append" Day2 to Day1 and Time2 to Time1 to get a
dynaset that looks like this:
Biology MTRF 11:30
Chemistry MT 11:30
Chemistry RF 11:15
Please do not ask me to redo my tables, nor use any VBA programming.
ClassID CLass Day 1 Time1 Day2 Time2
34566 Biology MTRF 11:30
34567 Chemistry MT 11:30 RF 11:15
In a query, how do I "append" Day2 to Day1 and Time2 to Time1 to get a
dynaset that looks like this:
Biology MTRF 11:30
Chemistry MT 11:30
Chemistry RF 11:15
Please do not ask me to redo my tables, nor use any VBA programming.