Combining Text Stings



I wanted to combine the values in several fields into one in a query (Access
2000). Help said there was a worksheet function concatenate. When I tried it
I got an undefined function error. So what's the story here?

Van T. Dinh

"Worksheet function Concatenate" sounds like an Excel function, NOT Access.

The concatenate operator is "&". Try:

SELECT Fieldl & " " & Field2 As Combined
FROM YourTable

See Access Help on concatenation.


OK, I approached it just using "&" to combine the fields but now I have
another problem. I have three fields year, mo, day. I wanted to combine them
into one date field. Which I have as mo/day/year using "&" on the fields. I
have them formatted as short date but Access obviously still doesn't know
it's a date. When I sort on it, it just treats it as a text string and sorts
on the first character and even screws up there because of the typical
problem where10,11,12 come before 2-9. How do I get this to work.

Dale Fye

If the three fields are numeric, you can use the dateserial function
to generate a column that will be of date datatype.

DateField: Dateserial([fldYear], [fldMonth], [fldDay])


Dale Fye

OK, I approached it just using "&" to combine the fields but now I
another problem. I have three fields year, mo, day. I wanted to
combine them
into one date field. Which I have as mo/day/year using "&" on the
fields. I
have them formatted as short date but Access obviously still doesn't
it's a date. When I sort on it, it just treats it as a text string and
on the first character and even screws up there because of the typical
problem where10,11,12 come before 2-9. How do I get this to work.

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