combining two charts into one



The tornado chart on Peltiertech's website is somewhat useful. I do not
understand, however, from where the numbers come to put in the "dummy"

Thanks in advance.

John Mansfield


The important things to note about Jon's example are:

(1) It is based on a 100% Stacked Bar Chart.
(2) The totals of each of the groups = 35.
(3) You need to work with numbers that add up to 35.

There are five series. The second and fourth series are given. The middle
series consists of the number 7. Since the middle series is used for spacing
only, the number 7 could be 8, 9, 10, 4, 3, etc. As you increase or decrease
that number the middle spacing will change. The only restriction is that
each point in this series must be exactly the same so that the tornado has a
vertical inside left and right borders.

The numbers for the first and fifth series are plugs to get the groups to
equal 35. The numbers in these series will need to be worked with so that
the outside left and right borders of the tornado chart are vertical.

Hope this helps.


Thanks - that is helpful. Two more questions...

1. Do the rows have to total 35? I am guessing they could total to
anything as long as they were the same in each row.

2. I like having the separation between the two sets of categories (one
jetting to the left and one to the right). However, I also need the X axis
to be shown. With the 100%stacked bar chart, the axis become percentages. I
lose the numbers. Any help here?

Thanks, Penny

Jon Peltier

Penny -
1. Do the rows have to total 35? I am guessing they could total to
anything as long as they were the same in each row.

Your guess is correct.
2. I like having the separation between the two sets of categories (one
jetting to the left and one to the right). However, I also need the X axis
to be shown. With the 100%stacked bar chart, the axis become percentages. I
lose the numbers. Any help here?

You will have to build your own dummy axis:

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions


I am having serious trouble following the arbitrary axis while using the
tornado chart. Any specific examples using the data from the tornado chart

Thanks, Penny

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