Combining Variables Into A Single Output Cell



Hi Folks,

I've been working with some database data which stores the date as an
integer (a different integer to that which Excel uses). To calculate the day,
month and year I do the following calculations:

y = Fix(ActiveCell / 65536)
m = Fix((ActiveCell - (y * 65536)) / 256)
d = Fix((ActiveCell - (y * 65536)) - (m * 256))

I now want to combine d, m and y into a single cell in the format off
dd/mm/yyyy but don't have a clue how anyone able to help?

Don Guillett

vba help index
DateSerial Function

Returns a Variant (Date) for a specified year, month, and day.


DateSerial(year, month, day)


Thanks very much works perfectly :)

Don Guillett said:
vba help index
DateSerial Function

Returns a Variant (Date) for a specified year, month, and day.


DateSerial(year, month, day)

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