Combo and Select Case filter not working



Hi all,

I have a form which is the basis for a report. On the form I have a
list of facilities in Combo38. Then, once a facility has been
selected, there are six choices in a frame to further filter down the

The filter is supposed to find all records where, for instance, the
facility is Drug and Alcohol Unit, and the category is "Continuum Of

Once selected, I then click a command button to preview the filtered
report. The only problem is, the frame's filter part is not
'filtering' ! The combo box filter seems to be working, but I see all
records for the particular facility, not just the selected choice in
the frame.

Here's the code:

Private Sub Command21_Click()

Dim strField As String
Dim strWhere As String

Select Case Me.[Frame9]
Case 1
strField = "[Continuum Of Care]"
Case 2
strField = "[Leadership & Management]"
Case 3
strField = "[Human Resources Management]"
Case 4
strField = "[Information Management]"
Case 5
strField = "[Safe Practice & Environment]"
Case 6
strField = "[Service Delivery (Area Office only)]"
End Select

strWhere = BuildCriteria("FacilityID", dbLong, Me.Combo38.Value)

If strField = "Yes" Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND " & BuildCriteria(strField,
dbBoolean, True)
End If

DoCmd.OpenReport "RptEquipSum1", acViewPreview, , strWhere

End Sub

Can anybody see any flaws in the code, and if not, why aint it
filtering properly?? :)



Thanks Steve, made sense out of it now, and got it filtering
I created another string StrWhere2, and the resulting code changes at
execution point towards the end.

Here's the corrected code:

Dim strField As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strWhere2 As String

Select Case Me.[Frame9]
Case 1
strField = "[Continuum Of Care]"
Case 2
strField = "[Leadership & Management]"
Case 3
strField = "[Human Resources Management]"
Case 4
strField = "[Information Management]"
Case 5
strField = "[Safe Practice & Environment]"
Case 6
strField = "[Service Delivery (Area Office only)]"
End Select

strWhere = BuildCriteria("FacilityID", dbLong, Me.Combo38.Value)
strWhere2 = strWhere & " AND " & BuildCriteria(strField, dbBoolean,

You have a Select Case where you set "[strField ]" = ......... (to
everything except YES), then you check if "[strField]"= "Yes".

Why do you check for "Yes" (If strField = "Yes" Then) when it appears that
"[strField ] " will never be set to "Yes"????

Steve S
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
(I came; I saw; I stuck around.)

DubboPete said:
Hi all,

I have a form which is the basis for a report. On the form I have a
list of facilities in Combo38. Then, once a facility has been
selected, there are six choices in a frame to further filter down the

The filter is supposed to find all records where, for instance, the
facility is Drug and Alcohol Unit, and the category is "Continuum Of

Once selected, I then click a command button to preview the filtered
report. The only problem is, the frame's filter part is not
'filtering' ! The combo box filter seems to be working, but I see all
records for the particular facility, not just the selected choice in
the frame.

Here's the code:

Private Sub Command21_Click()

Dim strField As String
Dim strWhere As String

Select Case Me.[Frame9]
Case 1
strField = "[Continuum Of Care]"
Case 2
strField = "[Leadership & Management]"
Case 3
strField = "[Human Resources Management]"
Case 4
strField = "[Information Management]"
Case 5
strField = "[Safe Practice & Environment]"
Case 6
strField = "[Service Delivery (Area Office only)]"
End Select

strWhere = BuildCriteria("FacilityID", dbLong, Me.Combo38.Value)

If strField = "Yes" Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND " & BuildCriteria(strField,
dbBoolean, True)
End If

DoCmd.OpenReport "RptEquipSum1", acViewPreview, , strWhere

End Sub

Can anybody see any flaws in the code, and if not, why aint it
filtering properly?? :)




BTW, I don't know what "BuildCriteria( ) " does, but since you don't have
the IF() statement, you could just use

strWhere = BuildCriteria("FacilityID", dbLong, Me.Combo38.Value)
strWhere = strWhere & " AND " & BuildCriteria(strField, dbBoolean,True)

You don't really need to use "strWhere2" since you are concatenating the two

Also, if you want to save some typing, you don't need to use ".Value"
(as in "Me.Combo38.Value") because Value is the default property.

You can just use "Me.Combo38" .

Good luck
Steve S
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
(I came; I saw; I stuck around.)

DubboPete said:
Thanks Steve, made sense out of it now, and got it filtering
I created another string StrWhere2, and the resulting code changes at
execution point towards the end.

Here's the corrected code:

Dim strField As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strWhere2 As String

Select Case Me.[Frame9]
Case 1
strField = "[Continuum Of Care]"
Case 2
strField = "[Leadership & Management]"
Case 3
strField = "[Human Resources Management]"
Case 4
strField = "[Information Management]"
Case 5
strField = "[Safe Practice & Environment]"
Case 6
strField = "[Service Delivery (Area Office only)]"
End Select

strWhere = BuildCriteria("FacilityID", dbLong, Me.Combo38.Value)
strWhere2 = strWhere & " AND " & BuildCriteria(strField, dbBoolean,

You have a Select Case where you set "[strField ]" = ......... (to
everything except YES), then you check if "[strField]"= "Yes".

Why do you check for "Yes" (If strField = "Yes" Then) when it appears that
"[strField ] " will never be set to "Yes"????

Steve S
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
(I came; I saw; I stuck around.)

DubboPete said:
Hi all,

I have a form which is the basis for a report. On the form I have a
list of facilities in Combo38. Then, once a facility has been
selected, there are six choices in a frame to further filter down the

The filter is supposed to find all records where, for instance, the
facility is Drug and Alcohol Unit, and the category is "Continuum Of

Once selected, I then click a command button to preview the filtered
report. The only problem is, the frame's filter part is not
'filtering' ! The combo box filter seems to be working, but I see all
records for the particular facility, not just the selected choice in
the frame.

Here's the code:

Private Sub Command21_Click()

Dim strField As String
Dim strWhere As String

Select Case Me.[Frame9]
Case 1
strField = "[Continuum Of Care]"
Case 2
strField = "[Leadership & Management]"
Case 3
strField = "[Human Resources Management]"
Case 4
strField = "[Information Management]"
Case 5
strField = "[Safe Practice & Environment]"
Case 6
strField = "[Service Delivery (Area Office only)]"
End Select

strWhere = BuildCriteria("FacilityID", dbLong, Me.Combo38.Value)

If strField = "Yes" Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND " & BuildCriteria(strField,
dbBoolean, True)
End If

DoCmd.OpenReport "RptEquipSum1", acViewPreview, , strWhere

End Sub

Can anybody see any flaws in the code, and if not, why aint it
filtering properly?? :)


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