Well I found a way to make it work now! I'm so happy for that! Your help
led me down the right path on the SQL changes that needed to be made though,
here is how I fixed it, I put the below SQL on the combo box, which includes
a query built that looks at the forms TASKID/SOSID and omits the usernames
from the combo list that are already assigned to the TASK:
The SQL for the first built query is:
SELECT T_Assignment.AssignID, T_Assignment.UserID, T_Assignment.SOSID
FROM T_Assignment
WHERE (((T_Assignment.SOSID)=[forms]![SOSForm1]![SOSID]));
And the SQL on the combo is:
SELECT T_Personnel.UserID
FROM T_Personnel LEFT JOIN qryAssign.UserID
WHERE (((qryAssign.UserID)Is Null));
I also triggered the combo box to .requery on the onclick event button that
actually adds the name to the list (Assignment Table).
works like a charm. Thank you for leading me down the right path there.
KARL said:
Post the actual SQL you are using for the combo and that for the form.
Well it only pulls a few user names. and it looks like they are only the
ones that have not been assigned to any tasks at all "overall", what I need
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]
a user name from being assigned under the same assignment ID more than once.
How can I do this?