bvallanc via AccessMonster.com
I need to provide variable source table names to a query. In other words, I
don't want to pre-select the tables that will be used by the query by adding
tables using the query editor - I want the user to be able to select these
source tables at run time using multiple combo boxes located on a form.
I'm not new to Access (v2000 at present time), but I am new to SQL statement
syntax. I created my query using "fixed" tables in the QBE query editor,
printed the SQL View code, then treid to use the syntax below to substitue
for the table names in the SQL statement:
... [Forms!myForm!cboComboBox] ...
I receive various types of SQL sytax errors when I do this. I've seen a few
posts in this forum about this topic, but the posts are from 2004 and the
links are bad. Anybody know how to do this?
Bill Vallance
don't want to pre-select the tables that will be used by the query by adding
tables using the query editor - I want the user to be able to select these
source tables at run time using multiple combo boxes located on a form.
I'm not new to Access (v2000 at present time), but I am new to SQL statement
syntax. I created my query using "fixed" tables in the QBE query editor,
printed the SQL View code, then treid to use the syntax below to substitue
for the table names in the SQL statement:
... [Forms!myForm!cboComboBox] ...
I receive various types of SQL sytax errors when I do this. I've seen a few
posts in this forum about this topic, but the posts are from 2004 and the
links are bad. Anybody know how to do this?
Bill Vallance