Combo Box Code Error - Please Help!



I have a MS Word document form in which I have a combo box with the
values of Select, Assessment Period and Project. Upon the user
selecting a value I want rows of a table to hide or unhide. I've
assigned the below macro to the onExit of the Combo Box called
AssessmentType. When I run it I get this error message. Could someone
help me out with what is incorrect here?

Thanks so much.

Object doesn't support this property or method.

Public Sub AssessmentType()
If (ActiveDocument.ComboBox("AssessmentType").Result) = "Assessment
Period" Then
ActiveDocument.Tables(2).Rows(2).Range.Font.Hidden = True
ActiveDocument.Tables(2).Rows(3).Range.Font.Hidden = False

If (ActiveDcoument.ComboBox("AssessmentType").Result) = "Project" Then
ActiveDocument.Tables(2).Rows(2).Range.Font.Hidden = False
ActiveDocument.Tables(2).Rows(3).Range.Font.Hidden = True
If (ActiveDocument.ComboBox("AssessmentType").Result) = "Select" Then
ActiveDocument.Tables(2).Rows(2).Range.Font.Hidden = True
ActiveDocument.Tables(2).Rows(3).Range.Font.Hidden = True
ActiveDocument.Protect wdAllowOnlyFormFields, NoReset
End If
End If
End If

End Sub

Helmut Weber


though I'm no good at forms,
but IMHO, if talking about forms and forms only,
not activeX-stuff, there is no combobox object.
There are formfield objects of type wdFieldFormDropDown (83).

Sub TestDrop()
MsgBox ActiveDocument.FormFields(1).Name
MsgBox ActiveDocument.FormFields(1).Type
MsgBox ActiveDocument.FormFields(1).Result
' MsgBox ActiveDocument.ComboBox(1).Result ' no
End Sub

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""

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