combo box default values



I have a form called history, where the user inputs an ID
number and a vessel number, and an associated date.

On another form called current status, the user inputs the
vessel number to update various items. They then have to
choose the correct id number from a combo box which gives
them a choice of all the id numbers from the history
table. Note: the vessel numbers will not always have
unique id numbers. They will carry one id number for
several weeks, and then change to another id number.

What I would like to do to make it easier for user input,
is... after the user inputs the vessel number on the
current status form, I'd like the id number on that form
to populate itself by looking in the history table for
that vessel, finding the most recent date, and
corresponding id.

Is this possible? Maybe I don't need the id on the
current status form to even be a combo box?

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