Combo box display value



I have a combo box on a form that selects a InventoryID and InventoryName field from a table.
WHen the user selects the combo box, they can see both the InventoryID and InventoryName (which is what I want)
BUT, how do I make it so that after they make their selection, the only value that shows in the combo box is the InventoryName (currently, it only shows the InventoryID in the combo box)



Set the "column widths" property. If you only want to
display the second column of a two colum recordset the
use the following"
You will want to change the "2.5" to equal your current
width of the control.

-----Original Message-----
I have a combo box on a form that selects a InventoryID
and InventoryName field from a table.
WHen the user selects the combo box, they can see both
the InventoryID and InventoryName (which is what I want).
BUT, how do I make it so that after they make their
selection, the only value that shows in the combo box is
the InventoryName (currently, it only shows the
InventoryID in the combo box).


Thanks for the help

BUT, I want to be able to see both of the values (InventoryID and InventoryName) when I choose a vlaue from the combo box, but only have the InventoryName stay or display in the combo box after I go to another control


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