Combo box does not show text from query



In a combo box designed to find records in a query, the data in the 2nd, 3rd,
4th and sometimes 5th colum does not appear when I click on the down arrow of
the combo box. The first colum generally appears with the ID numbers as it
should. In other parts of my form, it works properly. In moving this to
another computer, it worked every time. Is there a setting in Options or
Property that would cause this problem on different computers?

Mr B


There was a problem with a SP patch that was distributed from Microsoft that
would produce the characteristics that you describe only after the patch was
installed. They have since released an update to that patch, correcting the

I would suggest that you do a check of your system on the Microsft web site
to see if you have all of latest patches and updates for Microsoft Office.

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