combo box doesn't filter record in a form


Sam Kuo

Many thanks to those who helped me out with my problems before.
I now have two dependent combo boxes working together. But neither of combo boxes filter the records in a form. Any comments appreciated. Cheers
(NB. both combo boxes and the form are based on different tables in Access2002)
RowSourceType: Table/Query
RowSource: SELECT DISTINCTROW [CategoryID], [Category] FROM tblCategory ORDER BY [Category];
ColumnWidth: 0",1"
BoundColumn: 1
AfterUpdate: [Event Procedure]

Private Sub cboCategory_AfterUpdate()
Me.cboType.RowSource = "SELECT Type FROM" & _
" tblType WHERE CategoryID = " & Me.cboCategory & _
" ORDER BY Type"
Me.cboType = Me.cboType.ItemData(0)
End Sub


Create a query that references the combo boxes in the
criteria of the fields that you are interested in.
Include all fields that you are interested in having show,
and make the query the source for your form, or use the
query in the apply filter action to apply to the form.

You would reference the a combo box in a similar way
to this, but use the real form name and combo box name.


-----Original Message-----
Many thanks to those who helped me out with my problems before.
I now have two dependent combo boxes working together.
But neither of combo boxes filter the records in a form.
Any comments appreciated. Cheers
(NB. both combo boxes and the form are based on different tables in Access2002)
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
RowSourceType: Table/Query
RowSource: SELECT DISTINCTROW [CategoryID], [Category]
FROM tblCategory ORDER BY [Category];
ColumnWidth: 0",1"
BoundColumn: 1
AfterUpdate: [Event Procedure]

Private Sub cboCategory_AfterUpdate()
Me.cboType.RowSource = "SELECT Type FROM" & _
" tblType WHERE CategoryID = " & Me.cboCategory & _
" ORDER BY Type"
Me.cboType = Me.cboType.ItemData(0)
End Sub
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
BoundColumn: 1
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
RecordSource: qryAllProducts (contains all fields in tblCategory and tblType)
Filter: (Blank)

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