works fine within my document_new.
So as to use more than once, say upon entry into "Policy" form field, I made
a seperate macro to call this UF. If I leave this in doc new it works fine
but, when I call a macro the userform pops up outside of the form and does
not return variables correctly from another sql.
Can you not set this up as it's own macro?
Here's my code if I call from doc_new.....
call getUF
sub getUF()
Set UF = New UserForm1
UF.ClientID = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Text2").Result
strpolicy = UF.ComboBox1.Text
strprefix = Left(strpolicy, 2)
strpoln = Mid(strpolicy, 5, 9)
strstatus = Mid(strpolicy, 22, 2)
Set UF = Nothing
Set objConn2 = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn2.Open "Provider=IBMDA400.DataSource.1;Password=decs;Persist
Security Info=True;User ID=decs;Data Source=s1033781"
If strstatus = "En" Then
strquery2 = "select pmtecn as cn, pmteyy as yy, pmtemm as mm, pmtedd
as dd from prddta.papomf where prddta.papomf.pmprfx = '" + strprefix + "'"
strquery2 = strquery2 & " and prddta.papomf.pmplnr = '" + strpoln +
strquery2 = "select pmexcn as cn, pmexyy as yy, pmexmm as mm, pmexdd
as dd from prddta.papomf where prddta.papomf.pmprfx = '" + strprefix + "'"
strquery2 = strquery2 & " and prddta.papomf.pmplnr = '" + strpoln +
End If
Set ef = objConn2.Execute(strquery2)
If Not ef.EOF Then
strlicn = ef("cn").Value
strliyy = ef("yy").Value
strlimm = ef("mm").Value
strlidd = ef("dd").Value
If Len(strlicn) = 1 Then
strlicn = "0" & strlicn
End If
If Len(strliyy) = 1 Then
strliyy = "0" & strliyy
End If
If Len(strlimm) = 1 Then
strlimm = "0" & strlimm
End If
If Len(strlidd) = 1 Then
strlidd = "0" & strlidd
End If
strexyyyy = strlicn & strliyy
strRD = strlimm & "/" & strlidd & "/" & strexyyyy
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Text3").Result = Trim(strRD)
End If
Set ef = Nothing
Set objConn2 = Nothing
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Policy").Result = Left(strpolicy, 13)
end sub
my userform looks like this:
Public ClientID As String
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
strCLLen = Len(ClientID)
Do Until strCLLen = 12
ClientID = "0" & ClientID
strCLLen = Len(ClientID)
Set objConn1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn1.Open "Provider=IBMDA400.DataSource.1;Password=decs;Persist
Security Info=True;User ID=decs;Data Source=s1033781"
strquery1 = "select pmprfx, pmplnr, pmstat, pmnnrs, pmreni from
prddta.papomf where prddta.papomf.pmclid = '" + ClientID + "'"
strquery1 = strquery1 & " and prddta.papomf.poltyp in('70', '80')"
Dim zd
Set zd = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
zd.Open strquery1, objConn1, 2, 3
If Not zd.EOF Then
Do While Not zd.EOF
strprfx = zd("pmprfx").Value
strPol = CStr(zd("pmplnr").Value)
strstat = zd("pmstat").Value
strreason = zd("pmnnrs").Value
strreni = zd("pmreni").Value
Select Case strstat
Case "E"
stat = "Entered"
Case "A"
stat = "Active"
Case "L"
stat = "Lapsed"
Case "C"
stat = "Cancelled"
Case "X"
stat = "Expired"
End Select
If strreason = "03" And strstat <> "C" And strstat <> "L" Then
stat = "Converted"
End If
If strreni = "Z" And strreason <> "" And strstat <> "C" And strstat
<> "L" Then
stat = "Non-Renew"
End If
ComboBox1.AddItem strprfx + " " + strPol + " " + stat
'ComboBox1.AddItem strprfx '+ " " + zd("pmplnr").Value
End If
Set objConn1 = Nothing
ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Integer, Addressee As String
Addressee = ""
For i = 1 To ComboBox1.ColumnCount
ComboBox1.BoundColumn = i
Addressee = ComboBox1.Value
Next i
End Sub
As I said if I leave all inside doc_new it works fine but, not if I set up
as a macro.
Also if you have a change and since you're so well versed I created a new
question on Adding a file (inserting same doc/file multiple times and
populating info).