In my Excel 2ooo Reference book for setting up a Combo Boxes is explained,
that selecting Format Control after rightclicking the box would show a
"Format Object" dialog box with five tabs, and from them, choosing "Control",
where one could enter Input range, cell link and number of Drop down lines.
My "Format Object" dialog box in Excel 2oo3 comes only with four tabs,
"Control" is missing!
Where do I enter now the Input range?
Furthermore, "Assign Macro" is also missing...
that selecting Format Control after rightclicking the box would show a
"Format Object" dialog box with five tabs, and from them, choosing "Control",
where one could enter Input range, cell link and number of Drop down lines.
My "Format Object" dialog box in Excel 2oo3 comes only with four tabs,
"Control" is missing!
Where do I enter now the Input range?
Furthermore, "Assign Macro" is also missing...