Combo Box in Subform loses background color



I have a database originally designed in Access 2000. I am testing it with
Access 2007 in its current Access 2000 format and have hit something that I
can't figure out.

When clicking through fields in a subform, the combo boxes lose their
background color some what randomly--it comes back if I save the record. To
isolate the issue I have broken this down to a very simple test page.

I have a subform with a combo box. The subform is set up as a continuous
scrolling form with one additonal text field. The subform is filtered based
on a common field between the subform and main form. In my test environment,
the Main form only has an unbound field where a put a default key value.

I then throw my Mainform into form view. If I click from field to field
(also, clicking on the down arrow of combo box) I will eventually see the
background color of the combo box change to transparent. As I continue to
click, other fields will behave the same way.

When I recreate the two pages in a new Access 2007 db I do not see the

Does anyone have any ideas other then converting the entire db to Access
2007 format. I would like to continue shipping the same mdb to all my
clients regardless of Access version.


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