Combo Box items filtering (+)


Pavel Krupets

I have a form where user can enter information to filter
out unwanted items in the combo box. There is a sub-form,
in this form, with column (that references to other table)
and afore-mentioned combo box is used to edit this column.
I don't filter information in the sub-form I filter
information in the combo box. But items that were left out
from combo box do not displayed in the sub-form.

For example sub-form contains 3 records and they have
next data in discussed column {a, d, e}. User chooses to
filter out all items that begins with 'a'. Combo box will
contain next items {d, e}. Sub form will look like:

1) <- a must be displayed but blank space appears instead
2) d
3) e

I think form uses combo-box data to display information
in its rows, and if data is not presented in the combo-box
nothing will be displayed in a row.
I could use extra dialog-form to edit rows but I think
it isn't very convenient.

Sorry guys but I am not a native speaker and may be my
English isn't good enough to explain everything clearly.
If you wouldn't understand something please do ask.

Thank you for your help!

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