combo box - last value


Matthew Dyer

I have a combo box (not activex) that pulls it's values from a column
that varies in length. Currently I'm using the entire row (A:A) for
the input range. As you can guess, this results in MAAANY blank
entries in the box. Is there a formula or some other way so that the
combo box will stop at the end of my range of data without writing a
macro to load it that way?

Dave Peterson

If you're using code to assign the entire column (not row) to the dropdown (is
it a dropdown from the Forms toolbar), you could modify it to use just the used

If you're assigning it manually and you don't have any empty cells in the range
to use, you may be able to use a dynamic named range.

Debra Dalgleish shares instructions for that kind of dynamic name:

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