Combo Box not displaying correctly in Access 2003



I just converted a DB from Access 2000 to 2003. The only thing that
does not appear to be working is a combo box that displays 2 columns
for selection to dictate the data to display in the subform. First
column is a name/text, second is an ID/number and is the stored
value. The first colum is showing up blank but when you scroll
through the listing, once a record is selected it sets off a requery
to display related data in the subform, after this occurs the name/
text 'appears' in the combo field.

I tried creating a new combo box for the form thinking something just
did not convert correctly but the same thing is happening. The query
its based off of is a simple sort query with the 2 columns and appears
to be functioning correctly.

Anyone come experience this before or have any thoughts on correcting


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