Combo box not displaying many columns


Beth McLaren

How do I take my form that contains numerous combo boxes and make it such
that you can select a selection from the combo and make it show all columns?
Is this possible? How do you also make the combo box larger to see all
columns to make a section?


Select the combobox and open properties. Go to the Fornmat tab. Set Column
Count to the nimber of columns you want to display in the drop-down list.
Then in the Column Width property, you need the same number of widths as
what you set Column Count to.

Why do you want to display all the columns? That is not typical of how a
combobox is set up.

(e-mail address removed)

John Spencer

If you mean you want the combobox to display all the columns after you have
selected an item and moved off the combobox, then you cannot do this.

You can concatenate (add together) all the columns and have that displayed
you can add textbox controls to the form and have them show the value of the
various columns by setting each control's source to something like
Where the number one is the column position of the column you want to display
a value from. The number is one less than the column because the columns
numbers are zero-based. That is the first column is numbered 0, the second
column 1, etc.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Jeff Boyce


An example would help us visualize your situation.

Otherwise, it's tough to tell whether making it "show all columns" is just
another way of saying "show me the record"...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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