Combo Box ? or Any other way to do this?



I have created two combo boxes in a form that look up data
from two seperate tables and then add that info into a
third table.

What I want to happen is when I pick the item in Combo Box
1 I only want a certain set of data to show up in Combo
Box 2 that is associted to my choice from Combo Box 1. I
don't want Combo Box 2 to show everything.


Table 1 Data

Table 2 Data
Car Accord
Car Taurus
Car Camry
Truck F150
Truck Dakota
Truck Silverado
SUV Durango
SUV XTerra
SUV Trailblazer

So Combo Box 1 allows me to either pick Car, Truck or SUV
from Table 1. Then when I click on Car in Combo Box 1 I
only want Accord, Taurus, and Camry to show up in Combo
Box 2.

How do I do this? Or is their a way to do this without
using combo boxes?

Brendan Reynolds

There's an example (in fact, two examples) at the following URL ...

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

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