Combo Box Search



I am new to vb programing in excel and I want to create a userform with
combox list.
What I want to accomplish is when a user choses an item in the combo
box it will go to that cell.

For example: In the combobox I have listed 3 choices: chevy, ford and

In my spread sheet I have column "A" as Manufacturer in which the first
80rows has "ford" (a10:a80)in the next 80 rows it has Chevy(a81:a161)
and in the next 80 dodge.

I have created my user form with combo box displaying "chevy, ford and
dodge" and I have a command button.

When the user selects for example "ford" it would then scroll down to
the first row with the word ford in column "A".

I have gotten the user form and the combo box figured out but I am
stuck from there on.

Can Anyone help???????????

Here is the code I have for the user form.

Private sub combobox_1_change()
end sub

Private sub commandbutton_1_click()

end sub

Private sub userform_initialize()
end sub

Tom Ogilvy

Private sub combobox1_Click()
Dim rng as Range, rng1 as Range
If combobox1.ListIndex <> -1 then
With worksheets("Data")
set rng = .Range(.Cells(1,1),.Cells(rows.count,1).End(xlup))
End with
set rng1 = rng.Find(What:=Combobox1.Value, _
After:=rng(rng.Count), _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
if not rng1 is nothing then
Application.Goto reference:=rng1, _
msgbox Combobox1.Value & " Not found"
End if
End If
end sub

This triggers when the selection is made. If you want to only do it when
the commandbutton is clicked, then put it in the Click event of the command

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim rng as Range, rng1 as Range
If combobox1.ListIndex <> -1 then
With worksheets("Data")
set rng = .Range(.Cells(1,1),.Cells(rows.count,1).End(xlup))
End with
set rng1 = rng.Find(What:=Combobox1.Value, _
After:=rng(rng.Count), _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
if not rng1 is nothing then
Application.Goto reference:=rng1, _
msgbox Combobox1.Value & " Not found"
End if
End If
End Sub

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