Combo Box Selection




I'm sorry to repost this message, but I think the thread was dropped. On my
last entry, no replies were made, so I'll try again. By the way, would like
to say "thank you" to all who have answered previous questions. You have
helped make my db's much more efficient and user friendly.

I have a form that opens to specific record when a check box is selected on
another form. It is based on a query with SQL as follows:

SELECT tWarrantyInfo.TotalCost, tWarrantyInfo.WarrantyType,
qGeneralInfo.JobNumber, tStatus.Warranty, tStatus.Invoiced,
tStatus.Completed, qGeneralInfo.CustomerName, qGeneralInfo.Address,
qGeneralInfo.City, qGeneralInfo.State, qGeneralInfo.Zip, qGeneralInfo.Phone,
qGeneralInfo.ContactName, qGeneralInfo.PumpType, qGeneralInfo.Fax,
qGeneralInfo.Model, qGeneralInfo.PurchaseOrderNumber,
qGeneralInfo.SerialNumber, tWarrantyInfo.WarrantyComments,
qGeneralInfo.MachineAssignment, qGeneralInfo.JobAssignment
FROM (tStatus INNER JOIN qGeneralInfo ON tStatus.JobNumber =
qGeneralInfo.JobNumber) INNER JOIN tWarrantyInfo ON qGeneralInfo.JobNumber =

There is a combo box on this form "WarrantyType" and has two options,
Factory or House. The selections are there in the drop down, but I can't
select either to place in the combo box.
At first it was bound to the WarrantyType field on the
table. I read thru other posts and thought I had corrected it by making the
combo box
unbound, row source type was a value list and row source was "Factory";
"Value". Then I put a text box "txtWarrantyType" bound to WarrantyType as a
hidden field and had the AfterUpdate of the combo box set to

Me.TxtWarrantyType = Me.CboWarrantyType

This only returns a "recordset not updateable" error message. I only have
two tables on the query for the form. I can't figure out what's causing this.

If anyone can help, it would be appreciated!

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