combo box test


Desert Bear

I have the following

Private Sub cboEvalSelectName_AfterUpdate(
'User selects name, look up data associated with that name, in 5 different tables (form is based on query

How do I find out whether or not Me.Requery came up blank
Me.Count = 37, which is obviously not correct, as "Mr. asdf" has no detail records (what I'm trying to find out


Howard Brody

Check the Help files on the DCount function

Count the number of records coming up in the source query. If it's 0, display an error meaasage or run another process. If there are more than 0 records, refresh the form

Dim i as Intege
i = DCount("[Name]", "qrySourceQuery"
If i = 0 The
' error message or process her
End I

Hope this helps

Howard Brod

----- Desert Bear wrote: ----

I have the following

Private Sub cboEvalSelectName_AfterUpdate(
'User selects name, look up data associated with that name, in 5 different tables (form is based on query

How do I find out whether or not Me.Requery came up blank
Me.Count = 37, which is obviously not correct, as "Mr. asdf" has no detail records (what I'm trying to find out


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